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Dave Dupre

Sorry to hear about Zingdom. It was a great product with a lot of potential. Your lessons learned need to be posted on many startup walls as a reminder. Thanks!

Don Dodge

Chris, You put up the good fight. Some things are not meant to be. I look forward to your next adventure. I know you will come up with something great!

Don Dodge

David Jellison

Chris, thanks for illustrating our history and pointing key lessons learned. You can read my commments on your first two bullets in my blog "Agile Lesson Learned: Iterate in the Marketplace" http://djellison.blogspot.com/2007/12/convoq.html .

David Jellison
former VP Engineering, Zingdom Communications


This was incredibly beneficial. Thank you. There is so little on the internet about what happens to a company that doesn't realize their dreams. I'd love to hear more about what happens to employees, assets, unpaid salaries, etc when a company fails. Maybe I just need to search more.

Thanks again!

Julián Caballero

Hey Chris,

Sorry to hear about Convoq and Zingdom. I had been trying to keep up with the progress since my internship at Convoq in 2005, but it was a long time since I had heard any news about the company. I had a great time with you and Willie and I definitely learned a lot during my summer there - especially about the business and personal interactions in a company. That's not something they teach very well at MIT, but I think the UPOP program is doing a great job at it. Without them, I would probably had never heard of Convoq in the first place!

Hope to keep in touch with you,

Carl Tyler

Hi Chris,

So sorry to hear this happened, there were some smart people at Convoq and I liked what you were doing. If you'd like to meet up for lunch one day please let me know.


Peyton McManus

Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear about Convoq and Zingdom. I was always watching Convoq from the very beginning and it seemed that you had a talented team and that you were working on some very interesting ideas.

Your post on the history of the company, and your experience, is excellent. I’ve personally experienced many of the same issues that you highlight and your post should be required reading for anyone thinking about running a startup.


william lawrence

I was a purchaser of Convoq, sad to see it go.

I am creating a contact management tools for Web and was wondering if Convoq was more of a CRM or if it was an add on to Sugar or MSCRM would it of succeeded?

Why did you not go in to a contact management tool?

Dan Hinkle

I too was an early adopter of ASAP and found it quite useful. Sorry to see you have gone out of business. I was still recommending your service to people as late as last week, then I received this disturbing post from a client.

Jason Richmond

I would like to discuss purchasing some of your assets or working with you as a consultant. Jason Richmond 818 783 4311 X107

thrill seeker

I am suprised by this as it definately was an innovative company and the staff. Obviously was just getting the foot in the door to success.


We need Convoq back. There is nothing like it in the marketplace. Please!

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